Baby Boy Braggs Birth
The wait and reveal, our complete detailed account of the birth of our baby boy. He’s finally here.
At our 40 week appointment, we decided to schedule to be induced. Not due to any medical reason but the little guy just being stubborn, at that time there was no dilation. This is something we did not take on lightly, we discussed in detail the process and any difficulty that could arise. After the appointment, Thai was required to take a COVID-19 test and it was negative; therefore we are allowed 3 visitors that must be screen at their arrival at the hospital.
With the help of Doula Thea and Jasmine, Thai was able to write out all her wishes for a birth plan with the understanding that things happen and we want the baby to be the priority at all times. Something ended up thrown out the window but we are completely cool with it.
Birthing Timeline:
8p checked into labor & delivery
8:30 blood draw & IV line placed
9:30 doctor inserted cervidil start soften and dilation; still very closed & high
10 IV fluids were added to line
12a contractions began
12:30 received Ambien to help sleep
1:30 received IV pain meds for contractions
4 received epidural install (could not sleep at all)
5 removed cervidil (baby heart rate did not like it much)
1 cm dilated
7 start pitcoin via IV; 4 cm dilated
9 stoped pitcoin & broke water (baby heart rate did not like pitcoin); 7 cm dilated
12p started back pitcoin (low dose); 8 cm dilated
2 stop pitcoin; Changed movement in the bed to help baby heart rate and Used peanut to continue the dilation
4 add back pitcoin, low dose
5 told by our angel nurse (Nurse Lisa, Melissa) we needed to get this baby going, she told everyone to make Thai laugh
5:15 checked and we were 100% ready to start pushing
Born at 5:56 pm on 8/21/21
6 pounds, 15.5 ounces
18.11 inches

Our perfect little dude, Franklin Dunn Braggs II (Deuce)
We ask all to continue to keep our baby boy in your thoughts and prayers. Due to the severity of Deuce’s condition Franklin had not yet able to hold him. Thai was able to right after delivery. We continue to speed as much as time as possible just looking at our handsome boy. Thai was discharged Monday morning and we both heading to NICU to spend every moment with our baby boy. Deuce spent his first 2 days in NICU where they completed an echo & ultrasound and later on Monday night he was transferred to children’s hospital for further observations; scans and tests where he is continued to be cared for.
We wake up each day trusting and knowing it’s all in God’s hands. This is all a part of his master plan.
Check out our video of how life is forever changed.
God knew the appointed time! Thai, keep laughing!!! Nothing is impossible with God. Love U!
I’m enjoying watching the Braggs journey. Black Love!!
HE is HERE!! I Love ME some HIM!