The Appointment Where My Heart Dropped was at 16 weeks.

Seems like life is normal right now, it’s weird no real pregnancy issues. Starting to feel like Thai again, other than eating every 2 hours. Not always tired and no longer sick from everything.
At week 16 just when Thai starts to feel ‘normal’ again, the doctor advise of a potential rare finding on the sonogram. Doctor stated that through some imaging, the baby may have a disorder called Situs inversus. This is a rare and interesting discovery she stated, where less than 1% of the population has. Situs inversus is where the organs are in the opposite location in the body. Doctor tried to stress that the baby could be completely fine and live a normal life.
At the appointment when Thai heard the potential news it felt like the life was completely taken from her body. This is when we knew what fearing for our child was like.
Due to COVID-19 Thai has to attend the doctor appointments alone, Franklin can attend the sonograms. This was literally the longest walk of my life to the car, Franklin was worried and wanted me to talk and explain. I could not get the words.
Once we got to the car Thai explained the visit and advise we are having to visit a specialist to verify these findings or advise that all is normal.
Thai felt as if she caused something, I’m caring the baby is it my fault. What could I have changed. Something went over my body I cannot explain I could only cry and hold my stomach. We did the genetic test it was normal, what is going on.
We literally came home after the appointment got in bed cried and hugged until we both fell asleep.
We are a praying family and we know that our father in heaven has the last say so and in everything he will see us through. I cannot thank our family and close friends (which is literally family to us) enough for all the words of encouragement and prayers.
The following week Thai had took off on Friday and decided to take a much needed break from work and the emotional roller coaster. She was able to get a prenatal massage and a facial. Much needed.

We are learning together and growing each day. Trying to balance emotions. This is our first child and we don’t know much about the whole pregnancy process but we are taking it day by day.
Franklin is learning Thai’s emotions and habits. One issue has surfaced that now Thai has her appetite back she eats something every other hour and can never complete a full meal. We have learned to take snacks when in the car and we are finding new healthy treats for throughout the day.
Smells are still very sensitive to Thai, Franklin used some cologne that Thai actually likes on a regular but after two sprays it was over. No. Nope. No. Thai could not handle the smell.
Thai is back on the One A Day Prenatal vitamins and no more stomach issues. Also added Colace twice a week to help with constipation, but the new issue is diarrhea, help it’s always something.
Around week 17 Thai could really start to feel movement. It seems very weird like something crawling around.

We are standing on God’s word in the 91st Book of Psalms focusing on verse #2! In Him will I (we) TRUST! I ❤️, U all w/my whole being we are leaning and depending on God. WE know HE is able!
You said it best...our Heavenly Father is in control❤️. I’m standing with you guys, in prayers and in person. Xoxo Your GCC family