Right after birth, he was given an echogram and it confirmed his heart defect. At one week old Deuce was moved from Cardiac ICU to the main cardiac floor.
On night one with the echogram, they confirmed his heart defect; the detailed findings are below.
Double Outlet Right Ventricle
Complete atrioventricular canal defect
Large artial component of the atrioventricular canal defect
Large ventricular component of the atrioventricular canal defect
Trival left and trivial right atrioventricular valve regurgitation
Aorta anterior and rightward
An ultrasound was completed and reviewed his other organs and no issues were found. THANK YOU GOD!!
Things People Don’t Talk About - New Mommy Addition
Your stomach is a mess, need a belly band or something for support.
Car rides are the worse, with 2 stitches sitting is just a problem in general. Get a good pillow.
Speak up, let the doctors and nurses know what you are feeling. It’s not okay to be in pain.
Allow yourself to not be perfect, there is not a playbook on how to do what and when to trust yourself and do what you feel is right.
Things People Don’t Talk About - New Daddy Addition
Emotions will come when you see that perfect baby, it’s okay
Step up and take things on
Make sure mommy gets her rest, she is recovery too
Spend your time with your baby, enjoy the time you have