So recently we travelled on our first vacation since our little guy was born. Yes I’m still pumping right along, so I had to bring the whole gear.
I pumped on the flight; it was not too difficult; I have the cups that goes right into my bra.
How it went:
Houston Hobby, there is a pump/feeding station which is so cool
Going through CUN airport was extremely easy, I told them about the milk and they looked at it and the freeze pack
Going through HOU was not as easy. I let the TSA agent know they took it to the side opened all the containers they had to test the milk and freezer pack. It took an extra 15 minutes for them to review
Pumping on the plane is not too bad; I got extra ice from the flight attendant
Make sure your hotel/resort has a refrigerator
Keep milk on ice as well, just in case things go out
Keep your pumping supplies separate from other luggage
Travel with bottles for milk; a lot easier to go thru TSA checks
Take your own cleaning supplies
Check for any updates on the travel standards
Check out this clip from the trip while pumping